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Taking leave during term tim

We highly discourage parents/carers from taking their child out of school during term time as this interrupts their learning and affects their progress. Appointments should be scheduled out of school hours and holidays taken during the school holidays. 

We understand that at times pupils may be unwell or have a long term medical condition for which they need to miss school. The school must be informed of their absence and the reason latest by 8:30am on the morning of the absence.

If a child must take leave during term time then a 'Leave of absence request form' (below) must be completed and handed to the school reception 10 days prior to the first day of absence requested. Absences will only be authorised in exceptional circumstance and only if the request was made prior to the absence.

We ask for your cooperation and support in ensuring your child receives the education they deserve.

Leave of absence request form

(Click image to download)

Proprietor/Principal:  Shaykh Faheem Ibn Ismaeel

School email address:                           

Admission enquiries:  0116 276 7600

Imam Muhammad Adam Institute Boys School  

372 East Park Road, Leicester, LE5 5AY, UK

0116 319 2489

The Imam Muhammad Adam Institute School

97 Bridge Road , Leicester, LE5 3LD, UK 

0116 276 7600

Copyright © 2024 The Imam Muhammad Adam Institute. All rights reserved.

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